Attendance Policy

AMS ATTENDANCE LINE: 603-673-8944, x1


Please see the Amherst School Board Policy on Attendance on the school district website under Amherst School Board policy.

What to do if you are late or absent...

School begins at 8:30 AM.  Your child is late after 8:30AM, and must check in at the office before going to Launchpad/Morning Meeting. Students need a note or a phone call to the office in order to have an excused tardy. If no note or call comes in, the student has an "unexcused tardy" and will get a note home to be signed.

Please try to send a note or make a phone call, even if it's only a couple of minutes or if you're stuck in traffic on Boston Post Road. If a child has 3 or more unexcused tardies or absences, he or she will receive a warning letter home indicating that any subsequent "unexcused" tardy arrivals to school will result in an after-school detention.

Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information.

When you are absent from school, parents are asked to call the office (before 9 AM if possible), stating the reason for your absence along with the date of the absence. The school will call home if we do not receive a call.